Header Scripts

In a previous post (How to Install PHP on IIS), I described how to manually install PHP on Windows. This procedure can be used to install PHP on Windows Server 2008, but you can also install it through the Web Platform Installer.

The first step is to go to the PHP on IIS7 site and then press the Click to Install PHP on IIS button. It will then install the Web Platform Installer 2.0 beta if its not currently installed, or it will start the installer and take you to the page where you can install PHP.

After the installation, you need to set a default document to index.php if you want to be able to serve pages when browsing to your web site or virtual folder, i.e. http://staging.cyprich.com/. The is done with the following steps:

  1. Click on the web site or virtual folder in the Internet Information Services Manager.
  2. Double click on Default Document in the IIS group.
  3. Press Add in the Actions section in the right sidebar.
  4. Enter index.php in the Add Default Document box. The Default Document list should then have the page listed as below.

Setting index.php to a default document.

Now you can browse to your web site and view the main page without typing index.php in the URL.

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