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Joining the Rosary Confraternity will greatly increase the power of your rosaries. In addition to the regular indulgences granted for praying the rosary, there are also plenary indulgences on other feast days.

Joining the Rosary Confraternity will greatly increase the power of your rosaries. In addition to the regular indulgences granted for praying the rosary, there are also plenary indulgences on other feast days. The requirement for being a member is to pray the entire rosary each week, which are the four mysteries (joyful, sorrowful, glorious, and luminous). This is not unreasonable and is only one hour of prayer.

The following benefits are attained by joining the confraternity:

1. The special protection of the mother of God.
2. A share in the prayer of countless thousands of members the world over, and this even after death.
3. A share in the prayers, Masses and apostolic works of the entire Dominican Order.
4. The intercession of the entire heavenly court.
5. Various plenary and partial indulgences.

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